Affiliate Disclaimer

At InsoleGenius, we may participate in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn commissions on purchases made through our links to third-party websites.

These programs allow us to earn a small commission on products or services that we recommend or review on our website, without any additional cost to you.

We only recommend products or services that we truly believe will be of value to our readers and customers, and we do not endorse any products or services solely for the purpose of earning a commission.

Our editorial content and reviews are always based on our honest opinions and experiences, and we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information to our readers.

Please note that we may receive compensation for sales or clicks generated through our affiliate links. However, this does not affect our editorial content or the products and services that we choose to feature on our website.

Thank you for supporting InsoleGenius and allowing us to continue to provide valuable content and resources for foot health and wellness.